Add Fira Code font for table. Change business link url to latest.
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ rmarkdown::render_site()
@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ div.tocify {
<p>All download links leads to genuine files only.</p>
<col width="47%" />
<col width="52%" />
<col width="20%" />
<col width="79%" />
<tr class="header">
@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ href="">Link2</a> (Works in all blocked
<tr class="even">
<td align="left">Windows 11 / 10 (Business)</td>
<td align="left"><a href="windows_business_links.html">Link</a></td>
<td align="left">Windows 11 / 10 (Latest Consumer + Business)</td>
<td align="left"><a href="windows_latest_links.html">Link</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td align="left">Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC</td>
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
font-family: "IBM Plex Sans Text", sans-serif; /* Replace with your desired font for headers */
table {
font-family: "Fira Code", monospace;
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font-family: "IBM Plex Mono", monospace;
@ -1,934 +0,0 @@
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<div id="windows-business-download" class="section level1">
<h1>Windows Business Download</h1>
<p>All download links leads to genuine files only.</p>
<hr />
<div id="notes" class="section level2">
<li><p>In Windows 10/11 SAC releases (I.e. Home, Pro), Microsoft makes 2
kinds of ISO’s, Consumer and Business.</p></li>
<li><p>Consumer ISO’s are available for <a
href="">free to download</a>
and ISO contains almost all the editions such as Home/Pro/Education
except Enterprise. On the other hand, Business ISO contains all the
editions except Home level editions and these ISO’s have KMS key
installed by default.</p></li>
<li><p>So if you want to deploy Enterprise edition from the scratch, you
may want to use Business ISO’s.</p></li>
<li><p>Business ISO’s aren’t available to download for free. Microsoft
provide them on <a
href="">MVS</a> and <a
but for them, you need to pay a high subscription fee.</p></li>
<li><p>For this reason, we need to host files on 3rd party. You can
check <a
on how to be sure that files are genuine.</p></li>
<li><p>If you need links for any other Windows/office file, please
contact <a href="">here</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>To <strong>bypass daily 10 GB download limit</strong> on
pixeldrain, you can use free <a href="">Warp
<hr />
<div id="windows-11-business-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 11 Business 22H2</h2>
<p>(Build - 22621.1702)</p>
<col width="90%" />
<col width="9%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<hr />
<div id="windows-11-iot-enterprise-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 22H2</h2>
<p>(Build - 22621.525)</p>
<col width="80%" />
<col width="9%" />
<col width="9%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>Link 1</th>
<th>Link 2</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<hr />
<div id="windows-10-business-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 10 Business 22H2</h2>
<p>(Build - 19045.2965)</p>
<col width="90%" />
<col width="9%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
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<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="">Link 1</a></td>
<hr />
<div id="windows-10-iot-enterprise-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 22H2</h2>
<p>(Build - 19045.2006)</p>
<col width="79%" />
<col width="9%" />
<col width="11%" />
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<th>Link 1</th>
<th>Link 2</th>
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Normal file
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<div id="windows-1011-latest-download" class="section level1">
<h1>Windows 10/11 Latest Download</h1>
<p>All download links leads to genuine files only.</p>
<hr />
<div id="notes" class="section level2">
<li><p>In Windows 10/11 SAC releases (I.e. Home, Pro), Microsoft makes 2
kinds of ISO’s, Consumer and Business.</p></li>
<li><p>Consumer ISO’s are available for <a
href="">free to download</a>
and ISO contains almost all the editions such as Home/Pro/Education
except Enterprise. On the other hand, Business ISO contains all the
editions except Home level editions and these ISO’s have KMS key
installed by default.</p></li>
<li><p>If you want to deploy Enterprise edition from the scratch, you
need to use Business ISO’s.</p></li>
<li><p>Business ISO’s aren’t available to download for free. Microsoft
provide them on <a
href="">MVS</a> and <a
but for them, you need to pay a high subscription fee. For this reason,
we need to host files on 3rd party. You can check <a
on how to be sure that files are genuine.</p></li>
provides monthly updated ISO’s for Windows 10/11 and Microsoft’s free
download <a href="">site</a>
often provides ISO’s with a couple months old build. It’s fine to use
that ISO since Windows update will update it anyway, but if you want to
download latest genuine ISO’s then you can use below links.</p></li>
<li><p>If you need links for any other Windows/office file, please
contact <a href="">here</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>To <strong>bypass daily 10 GB download limit</strong> on
pixeldrain, you can use free <a href="">Warp
<hr />
<div id="windows-11-consumer-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 11 Consumer 22H2</h2>
<p>Updated May 2023 (Build - 22621.1702)</p>
<tr class="header">
<hr />
<div id="windows-10-consumer-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 10 Consumer 22H2</h2>
<p>Updated May 2023 (Build - 19045.2965)</p>
<tr class="header">
<hr />
<div id="windows-11-business-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 11 Business 22H2</h2>
<p>Updated May 2023 (Build - 22621.1702)</p>
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<hr />
<div id="windows-10-business-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 10 Business 22H2</h2>
<p>Updated May 2023 (Build - 19045.2965)</p>
<col width="100%" />
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<hr />
<div id="windows-11-iot-enterprise-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 22H2</h2>
<p>Updated Sep 2022 (Build - 22621.525) (This release is not updated
every month)</p>
<col width="100%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<hr />
<div id="windows-10-iot-enterprise-22h2" class="section level2">
<h2>Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 22H2</h2>
<p>Updated Oct 2022 (Build - 19045.2006) (This release is not updated
every month)</p>
<col width="100%" />
<tr class="header">
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<hr />
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@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ pagetitle: Genuine Installation Media
All download links leads to genuine files only.
| **Windows** | |
| Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 (Consumer) ❤️ | [Link1]( - [Link2]( (Works in all blocked places) |
| Windows 11 / 10 (Business) | [Link](windows_business_links.html) |
| Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC | [Link](windows_ltsc_links.html) |
| Windows 7 | [Link](windows_7_links.html) |
| Windows Vista | [Link](windows_vista_links.html) |
| Windows XP | [Link](windows_xp_links.html) |
| Windows Server | [Link](windows_server_links.html) |
| Windows Insider | [10/11]( - [Server]( |
| **Office** | |
| Office C2R Installers (Retail) ❤️ | [Link](office_c2r_links.html) (Easy to install) |
| Office C2R Custom Install (Retail / VL) | [Link](office_c2r_custom.html) (Requires more steps, allows customization) |
| Office MSI VL (Old versions) | [Link](office_msi_links.html) |
| **Windows** | |
| Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 (Consumer) ❤️ | [Link1]( - [Link2]( (Works in all blocked places) |
| Windows 11 / 10 (Latest Consumer + Business) | [Link](windows_latest_links.html) |
| Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC | [Link](windows_ltsc_links.html) |
| Windows 7 | [Link](windows_7_links.html) |
| Windows Vista | [Link](windows_vista_links.html) |
| Windows XP | [Link](windows_xp_links.html) |
| Windows Server | [Link](windows_server_links.html) |
| Windows Insider | [10/11]( - [Server]( |
| **Office** | |
| Office C2R Installers (Retail) ❤️ | [Link](office_c2r_links.html) (Easy to install) |
| Office C2R Custom Install (Retail / VL) | [Link](office_c2r_custom.html) (Requires more steps, allows customization) |
| Office MSI VL (Old versions) | [Link](office_msi_links.html) |
You can contact [here]( if you need any other Windows / Office files.
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pagetitle: Windows Business Download Links
# Windows Business Download
All download links leads to genuine files only.
## Notes
- In Windows 10/11 SAC releases (I.e. Home, Pro), Microsoft makes 2 kinds of ISO's, Consumer and Business.
- Consumer ISO's are available for [free to download]( and ISO contains almost all the editions such as Home/Pro/Education except Enterprise. On the other hand, Business ISO contains all the editions except Home level editions and these ISO's have KMS key installed by default.
- So if you want to deploy Enterprise edition from the scratch, you may want to use Business ISO's.
- Business ISO's aren't available to download for free. Microsoft provide them on [MVS]( and [VLSC]( but for them, you need to pay a high subscription fee.
- For this reason, we need to host files on 3rd party. You can check [here](genuine-installation-media.html#How_to_verify_genuinity_of_files) on how to be sure that files are genuine.
- If you need links for any other Windows/office file, please contact [here](
- To **bypass daily 10 GB download limit** on pixeldrain, you can use free [Warp VPN](
## Windows 11 Business 22H2
(Build - 22621.1702)
| Filename | Link |
| `ar-sa_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0f94dff0.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `bg-bg_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_f6997710.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `cs-cz_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_5ce9228c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `da-dk_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_025b816c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `de-de_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_8df57cd2.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `el-gr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_1217d69c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `en-gb_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d50afe1f.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `en-us_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c2d14816.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `es-es_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0829253f.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `es-mx_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_57f76857.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `et-ee_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_84b7cfe4.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `fi-fi_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0fce8c7e.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `fr-ca_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_12d6ace1.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `fr-fr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_fd89dec3.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `he-il_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_844eb580.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `hr-hr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c29f8d45.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `hu-hu_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_12165cd7.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `it-it_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4455b36e.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ja-jp_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_f3041d39.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ko-kr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_e139e50c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `lt-lt_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_25a349e0.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `lv-lv_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_45f808c5.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `nb-no_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_51758088.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `nl-nl_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_7430683c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `pl-pl_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_6a9dca52.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `pt-br_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b25b68a2.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `pt-pt_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_2bb03aaa.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ro-ro_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_a5bb94b6.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ru-ru_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_90166b2e.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sk-sk_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_7d66a07b.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sl-si_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_24aee6c6.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sr-latn-rs_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_ae294205.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sv-se_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4e4b9cb0.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `th-th_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c47c653d.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `tr-tr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d13bb5e2.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `uk-ua_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d2c35cb1.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `zh-cn_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_76248ab3.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `zh-tw_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_f5cb1a87.iso` | [Link 1]( |
## Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 22H2
(Build - 22621.525)
| Filename | Link 1 | Link 2 |
| `en-us_windows_11_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_updated_sep_2022_arm64_dvd_a2c93810.iso` | [Link 1]( | [Link 2]( |
| `en-us_windows_11_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_updated_sep_2022_x64_dvd_efad8b7e.iso` | [Link 1]( | [Link 2]( |
## Windows 10 Business 22H2
(Build - 19045.2965)
| Filename | Link |
| `ar-sa_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_ea1feb13.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `bg-bg_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c859e630.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `cs-cz_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_52c2d8f1.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `da-dk_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_49306fa6.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `de-de_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b04a0ff1.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `el-gr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_bbbc6a32.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `en-gb_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_78b15ae0.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_a7adc1e6.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `es-es_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4286fbb9.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `es-mx_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_2be8d7ee.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `et-ee_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_3bf5489b.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `fi-fi_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_34ef0d49.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `fr-ca_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_03e965fa.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `fr-fr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_5b42a6f0.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `he-il_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_cb2a3740.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `hr-hr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_36ec0a1c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `hu-hu_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_7b41781f.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `it-it_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c1107e2b.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ja-jp_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0b7f47aa.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ko-kr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d8154390.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `lt-lt_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_81a83303.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `lv-lv_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c6371a47.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `nb-no_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_ef2b3598.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `nl-nl_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_70cb14bd.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `pl-pl_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_13591fce.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `pt-br_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c3c444d7.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `pt-pt_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4f35b81b.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ro-ro_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4aec5345.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `ru-ru_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_21973db2.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sk-sk_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b360ad2f.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sl-si_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_54035c00.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sr-latn-rs_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_50496df7.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `sv-se_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b8f28ba6.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `th-th_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b4f85298.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `tr-tr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_dcaeeffa.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `uk-ua_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_89c6a760.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `zh-cn_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b7e877b8.iso` | [Link 1]( |
| `zh-tw_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_e0f7b30c.iso` | [Link 1]( |
## Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 22H2
(Build - 19045.2006)
| Filename | Link 1 | Link 2 |
| `en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_arm64_dvd_39566b6b.iso` | [Link 1]( | [Link 2]( |
| `en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_x64_dvd_51cc370f.iso` | [Link 1]( | [Link 2]( |
Normal file
Normal file
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pagetitle: Windows Latest Download Links
# Windows 10/11 Latest Download
All download links leads to genuine files only.
## Notes
- In Windows 10/11 SAC releases (I.e. Home, Pro), Microsoft makes 2 kinds of ISO's, Consumer and Business.
- Consumer ISO's are available for [free to download]( and ISO contains almost all the editions such as Home/Pro/Education except Enterprise. On the other hand, Business ISO contains all the editions except Home level editions and these ISO's have KMS key installed by default.
- If you want to deploy Enterprise edition from the scratch, you need to use Business ISO's.
- Business ISO's aren't available to download for free. Microsoft provide them on [MVS]( and [VLSC]( but for them, you need to pay a high subscription fee. For this reason, we need to host files on 3rd party. You can check [here](genuine-installation-media.html#How_to_verify_genuinity_of_files) on how to be sure that files are genuine.
- [MVS]( provides monthly updated ISO's for Windows 10/11 and Microsoft's free download [site]( often provides ISO's with a couple months old build. It's fine to use that ISO since Windows update will update it anyway, but if you want to download latest genuine ISO's then you can use below links.
- If you need links for any other Windows/office file, please contact [here](
- To **bypass daily 10 GB download limit** on pixeldrain, you can use free [Warp VPN](
## Windows 11 Consumer 22H2
Updated May 2023 (Build - 22621.1702)
| Links |
## Windows 10 Consumer 22H2
Updated May 2023 (Build - 19045.2965)
| Links |
## Windows 11 Business 22H2
Updated May 2023 (Build - 22621.1702)
| Links |
| [ar-sa_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0f94dff0.iso]( |
| [bg-bg_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_f6997710.iso]( |
| [cs-cz_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_5ce9228c.iso]( |
| [da-dk_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_025b816c.iso]( |
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| [el-gr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_1217d69c.iso]( |
| [en-gb_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d50afe1f.iso]( |
| [en-us_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c2d14816.iso]( |
| [es-es_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0829253f.iso]( |
| [es-mx_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_57f76857.iso]( |
| [et-ee_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_84b7cfe4.iso]( |
| [fi-fi_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_0fce8c7e.iso]( |
| [fr-ca_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_12d6ace1.iso]( |
| [fr-fr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_fd89dec3.iso]( |
| [he-il_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_844eb580.iso]( |
| [hr-hr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c29f8d45.iso]( |
| [hu-hu_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_12165cd7.iso]( |
| [it-it_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4455b36e.iso]( |
| [ja-jp_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_f3041d39.iso]( |
| [ko-kr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_e139e50c.iso]( |
| [lt-lt_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_25a349e0.iso]( |
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| [nl-nl_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_7430683c.iso]( |
| [pl-pl_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_6a9dca52.iso]( |
| [pt-br_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b25b68a2.iso]( |
| [pt-pt_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_2bb03aaa.iso]( |
| [ro-ro_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_a5bb94b6.iso]( |
| [ru-ru_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_90166b2e.iso]( |
| [sk-sk_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_7d66a07b.iso]( |
| [sl-si_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_24aee6c6.iso]( |
| [sr-latn-rs_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_ae294205.iso]( |
| [sv-se_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4e4b9cb0.iso]( |
| [th-th_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c47c653d.iso]( |
| [tr-tr_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d13bb5e2.iso]( |
| [uk-ua_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d2c35cb1.iso]( |
| [zh-cn_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_76248ab3.iso]( |
| [zh-tw_windows_11_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_f5cb1a87.iso]( |
## Windows 10 Business 22H2
Updated May 2023 (Build - 19045.2965)
| Links |
| [ar-sa_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_ea1feb13.iso]( |
| [bg-bg_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_c859e630.iso]( |
| [cs-cz_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_52c2d8f1.iso]( |
| [da-dk_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_49306fa6.iso]( |
| [de-de_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b04a0ff1.iso]( |
| [el-gr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_bbbc6a32.iso]( |
| [en-gb_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_78b15ae0.iso]( |
| [en-us_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_a7adc1e6.iso]( |
| [es-es_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4286fbb9.iso]( |
| [es-mx_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_2be8d7ee.iso]( |
| [et-ee_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_3bf5489b.iso]( |
| [fi-fi_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_34ef0d49.iso]( |
| [fr-ca_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_03e965fa.iso]( |
| [fr-fr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_5b42a6f0.iso]( |
| [he-il_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_cb2a3740.iso]( |
| [hr-hr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_36ec0a1c.iso]( |
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| [ko-kr_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_d8154390.iso]( |
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| [nl-nl_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_70cb14bd.iso]( |
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| [pt-pt_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4f35b81b.iso]( |
| [ro-ro_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_4aec5345.iso]( |
| [ru-ru_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_21973db2.iso]( |
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| [sl-si_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_54035c00.iso]( |
| [sr-latn-rs_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_50496df7.iso]( |
| [sv-se_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b8f28ba6.iso]( |
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| [zh-cn_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_b7e877b8.iso]( |
| [zh-tw_windows_10_business_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2023_x64_dvd_e0f7b30c.iso]( |
## Windows 11 IoT Enterprise 22H2
Updated Sep 2022 (Build - 22621.525) (This release is not updated every month)
| Links |
| [en-us_windows_11_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_updated_sep_2022_arm64_dvd_a2c93810.iso]( |
| [en-us_windows_11_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_updated_sep_2022_x64_dvd_efad8b7e.iso]( |
## Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 22H2
Updated Oct 2022 (Build - 19045.2006) (This release is not updated every month)
| Links |
| [en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_arm64_dvd_39566b6b.iso]( |
| [en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_version_22h2_x64_dvd_51cc370f.iso]( |
Reference in New Issue
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