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This site is built using [Docusaurus](
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name: "Microsoft Activation Scripts"
title: '<div><img src="images\logo.png" class="logo"> MAS</div>'
- text: "Home"
href: index.html
- text: "FAQ"
href: faq.html
- text: "Troubleshoot"
href: troubleshoot.html
- text: "Download Windows/Office"
href: genuine-installation-media.html
- text: "Docs"
- text: "HWID Activation"
href: hwid.html
- text: "Ohook Activation"
href: ohook.html
- text: "KMS38 Activation"
href: kms38.html
- text: "Online KMS Activation"
href: online_kms.html
- text: "---------"
- text: "Command Line Switches"
href: command_line_switches.html
- text: "Check Activation Status"
href: check_activation_status.html
- text: "Extract $OEM$ Folder"
href: oem-folder.html
- text: "Change Edition"
href: change_edition.html
- text: "---------"
- text: "Guide Links"
href: guide_links.html
- text: "---------"
- text: "Unsupported Products Activation"
href: unsupported_products_activation.html
- text: "---------"
- text: "Changelog"
href: changelog.html
- text: "Credits"
href: credits.html
- text: "Contact Us"
href: contactus.html
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pagetitle: Change Windows Edition
# Change Windows Edition
- You can find this option in the MAS extras section.
- It can change the Windows 7-8-8.1-10-11 and their Server equivalent editions.
- The script incorporates 4 methods for edition changing:
- May's DISM Api Method - Used in Windows 10/11 Core to Non-Core edition change
- [slmgr /ipk Method]( - Used in Windows 10/11 where edition license files are already there
- [DISM Method]( - Used in Server 2016 and later server versions
- [CBS Upgrade Method]( - Used in Windows versions before 10
- Available editions that can be changed to are shown in the script based on all these 4 options.
- The script is future-proof, which means that it won't need an update upon the release of new Windows / Server editions and can get the required product key from the system itself.
- The script blocks changing to CountrySpecific, ServerRdsh, and to/from CloudEdition editions since it's officially not supported and the user may face issues.
- The script cannot change,
- Non-Core editions to Core editions (For example, Pro --\> Home isn't available)
- GAC editions to LTSC editions (For example, Enterprise --\> Enterprise LTSC isn't available)
- Non-Core editions to Core editions (For example, Pro > Home isn't available)
- GAC editions to LTSC editions (For example, Enterprise > Enterprise LTSC isn't available)
@ -36,26 +22,21 @@ If you want to manually change the edition instead of using the script, please f
### Windows 10/11
- To view the list of available editions, open the command prompt as admin and enter\
- To view the list of available editions, open the command prompt as admin and enter
`dism /online /english /Get-TargetEditions`
- Get the keys for the desired edition from [here](hwid.html#Supported_Products)
- Get the keys for the desired edition from [here](
- If you are upgrading from Home to Pro, you will need to disable the Internet before performing the upgrade.
- Now enter that product key with this command, replace \<product_key\> with the actual key.\
- Now enter that product key with this command, replace `<product_key>` with the actual key.
`changepk.exe /ProductKey <product_key>`
- In the Home to Pro upgrade, it may show an error, restart the system anyway. (Use the script if it's still not working)
- Activate the changed edition with MAS, that's all.
### Windows Server 2016 and Later
- Follow the official Microsoft guide [here](, you can get the required keys from [here](kms38.html#Supported_Products).
- Follow the official Microsoft guide [here](, you can get the required keys from [here](
## Troubleshooting
- Check [here](change_edition_issues.html).
- Check [here](
@ -1,39 +1,27 @@
pagetitle: Change Edition Issues
# Change Edition Issues
## Error 0x80070490
- In the Home to Pro upgrade process, the script may show the below error in red color:
- In the Home to Pro upgrade process, the script may show the below error in red color:
Exception calling "_DismSet Edition" with "6" argument(s): "Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070490)"
- This issue often appears due to the installed .Net 3.5 framework.
- To solve this, we need to disable it, to do that, open the command prompt as admin and enter\
- To solve this, we need to disable it, to do that, open the command prompt as admin and enter
`DISM /Online /English /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"NetFx3"`
- Once it's done, try to change the edition again.
- After the edition change, you can enable .net 3.5 again, to do that, enter,\
- After the edition change, you can enable .net 3.5 again, to do that, enter,
`DISM /Online /English /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:"NetFx3"`
## Other Errors
- In Windows settings, go to the Windows Update page, run the check for updates button, and ensure that Windows is fully updated.
<!-- -->
- In the MAS script, go to Troubleshoot and run these options in the below order,
- DISM Restore
- SFC Scan
- Restart the system and try to change the edition again.
- If it's still not resolved, please connect with us [here](troubleshoot.html).
- If it's still not resolved, please connect with us [here](
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
pagetitle: Changelog
# MAS Changelog
@ -77,7 +73,7 @@ pagetitle: Changelog
#### HWID:
- A new method is discovered to activate with HWID. <>\
- A new method is discovered to activate with HWID.
Thanks a lot to the [asdcorp]( and team for the discovery.
@ -114,7 +110,7 @@ pagetitle: Changelog
#### Ohook:
- Added Ohook activation method, it can activate Office permanently on Windows 8 and higher and their Server equivalent except Office 2010 and Office UWP apps. Thanks to @asdcorp for this new method. More info <> <>
- Added Ohook activation method, it can activate Office permanently on Windows 8 and higher and their Server equivalent except Office 2010 and Office UWP apps. Thanks to @asdcorp for this new method. More info
#### HWID/KMS38:
@ -172,7 +168,7 @@ pagetitle: Changelog
- Replaced cleanospp.exe with powershell script [CleanOffice.ps1]( Thanks to \@ave9858 (Alex)
- Fixed an issue where script may stuck in server port check
- Script is updated as per \@abbodi1406 KVA v49. Changes:
- Enhanced Office 15.0 C2R detection to differentiate Retail\<\>Volume products
- Enhanced Office 15.0 C2R detection to differentiate Retail / Volume products
- Added fallback if Office 16.0 C2R licenses integrator.exe failed, to install them the old way (using slmgr.vbs/ospp.vbs)
#### Troubleshoot:
@ -319,9 +315,9 @@ pagetitle: Changelog
- Added a check to detect if the file is in Unix (LF) format, if yes then the script would stop
- Homepage <> is changed to <> because of the DNS issue with the free domain (Thanks to [**\@luzea9903**]( for Server hosting)
- Homepage is changed to because of the DNS issue with the free domain (Thanks to [**\@luzea9903**]( for Server hosting)
- Homepage <> is updated with a better readable format
- Homepage is updated with a better readable format
- Added an option to download and execute MAS from Powershell\
`iwr -useb | iex`
@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
pagetitle: Check Activation Status
# Check Activation Status
MAS includes 2 scripts for checking activation status in Windows and Office (WMI, VBS) which are taken from abbodi1406's [KMS_VL_ALL](\
MAS includes 2 scripts for checking activation status in Windows and Office (WMI, VBS) which are taken from abbodi1406's [KMS_VL_ALL](
Read below to see the differences between the 2 scripts.
@ -15,9 +8,7 @@ Read below to see the differences between the 2 scripts.
## Check Activation Status [VBS]
- Queries and executes official licensing VBScripts: slmgr.vbs for Windows, ospp.vbs for Office.
- Shows the activation expiration date for Windows.
- Office 2010 ospp.vbs shows very little information.
@ -25,15 +16,10 @@ Read below to see the differences between the 2 scripts.
## Check Activation Status [WMI]
- Queries and executes WMI functions using wmic.exe or VBScripts.
- Shows extra information (SKU ID, key channel).
- Shows the activation expiration date for all products.
- Shows more detailed information for Office 2010.
- Can show the status of Office UWP apps.
- Implement vNextDiag.ps1 functions to **detect new Office 365 vNext licenses and subscriptions**.
@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
pagetitle: Command Line Switches
# Command Line Switches
## Switches List
- You can use the below switches in MAS AIO, separate files version and in Powershell one-liner to run in unattended mode.
- If you want to use it in Windows Pre-Activation then check [this](oem-folder.html) page for more details.
- If you want to use it in Windows Pre-Activation then check [this]( page for more details.
| Switches | Meaning |
@ -46,24 +39,20 @@ pagetitle: Command Line Switches
- Replace `/para` in this command with the switches from the above table. You can also use multiple switches. For example, `/HWID /KMS-Office /KMS-ActAndRenewalTask`
- This Powershell one-liner will work on Windows 8.1 and later versions only.
- To change the edition through the command line, check [here](change_edition.html#Manual_Edition_Change). We didn't automate it in MAS because it requires a reboot in some cases.
- To change the edition through the command line, check [here]( We didn't automate it in MAS because it requires a reboot in some cases.
## Rules
- Script will run in unattended mode if any switch is used.
- `/S` switch is not applicable in MAS separate files version scripts.
- All switches are case-insensitive, and work in any order, but must be separated with spaces.
- KMS Uninstall switch will take precedence over other KMS switches.
- KMS38 remove protection switch will take precedence over KMS38 activation.
## Need help?
- Check [here](troubleshoot.html).
- Check [here](
@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
pagetitle: Contact Us
# Contact Us
Please feel free to share feedback regarding bug reports, documentation errors, troubleshooting, etc. using the links below.
- [Discord]( ❤️ (signup not required) - Discussion
- [Reddit](
- [Twitter](
- [GitHub]( / [Bitbucket](
- Email: windowsaddict\
- Email:
- [Nsaneforums](
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
pagetitle: Credits
# Credits
The MAS project wouldn't be possible without the kind help and use of other honorable developers' tools and scripts. I would like to say thanks to all those wonderful people and projects.
| | |
| Anomalous Software Deterioration Corporation | [Original HWID/KMS38 methods](, Reinvented HWID after [free upgrade block](, [GamersOsState](, [Integrated_Patcher](, [Ohook](, [Rearm](, [Set-WindowsCbsEdition](, [hwid-stuff](, [licensing-stuff](, [info](, branding materials and great help |
| [asdcorp]( | [Original HWID/KMS38 methods](, Reinvented HWID after [free upgrade block](, [GamersOsState](, [Integrated_Patcher](, [Ohook](, [Rearm](, [Set-WindowsCbsEdition](, [hwid-stuff](, [licensing-stuff](, [info](, [clic]( branding materials and great help |
| [vyvojar]( | [slshim]( |
| sponpa, leitek8 | [slc.dll Improvements]( |
| AveYo | [Compressed2TXT](, [LeanAndMean](, and great help |
| [Enthousiast]( | Testing and Support |
| [Enthousiast]( | ISO uploads, User support |
| [Lyssa]( | Official mascot, User support |
| abbodi1406 | [KMS_VL_ALL]( (Online KMS is a fork of it), enormous help in coding and problem solving |
| [Alex]( (aka may, ave9858) | Universal Ticket for HWID/KMS38, DISM Api method to change Windows edition, [CleanOffice.ps1](, User support, Co-enhancing MAS, suggestions and great help in coding and problem solving |
| WindowsAddict | MAS Author |
@ -1,93 +1,87 @@
pagetitle: FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions)
- **How to use it?**
Check the info [here](
- **How to use it?\
**Check the info [here](index.html#Download__How_to_use_it).
- **How to activate Windows permanently?**\
- **How to activate Windows permanently?**
Use the HWID option in MAS.
- **How to download and install Office?**\
Check the info [here](genuine-installation-media.html).
- **How to download and install Office?**
Check the info [here](
- **How to activate Office permanently?**\
- **How to activate Office permanently?**
Use the Ohook option in MAS.
- **It says activation failed, what to do now?**\
Check [here](troubleshoot.html).
- **It says activation failed, what to do now?**
Check [here](
- **When is the release date for Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC?**\
It will be officially released in 2nd half of 2024, more [info]( Download links will be shared here.\
- **Is MAS safe? How can I know if there is any malware?**
MAS is fully [open-source]( You can open the batch files with Notepad and verify it. It has many users/stars on GitHub. You can even perform the activation manually, check the Docs section for instructions.
- **When is the release date for Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC?**
It will be officially released in 2nd half of 2024, more [info]( Download links will be shared here.
Insider build ISO for Windows 11 LTSC has been leaked but we recommend not installing it for general use because its authenticity can not be verified and the build is not stable.
- **Where is the info related to Office 2024?**\
- **Where is the info related to Office 2024?**
Check [here](
- **How to download the full version of Windows 10 LTSC 2021?**\
Check the info [here](genuine-installation-media.html).
- **How to download the full version of Windows 10 LTSC 2021?**
Check the info [here](
- **I've downloaded Enterprise LTSC from Microsoft, why MAS is not activating it?**\
Microsoft doesn't provide the full LTSC version for free, instead, it provides an evaluation copy that works for 90 days and can not be activated. You need to install the full version from [here](genuine-installation-media.html) to be able to activate.
- **I've downloaded Enterprise LTSC from Microsoft, why MAS is not activating it?**
Microsoft doesn't provide the full LTSC version for free, instead, it provides an evaluation copy that works for 90 days and can not be activated. You need to install the full version from [here]( to be able to activate.
- **How to change the Windows edition from Home to Pro?\
**In MAS, go to Extras and select the Change Edition option.
- **How to change the Windows edition from Home to Pro?**
In MAS, go to Extras and select the Change Edition option.
- **Will I lose any data in changing the Windows edition from Home to Pro with MAS?**\
- **Will I lose any data in changing the Windows edition from Home to Pro with MAS?**
- **I changed my Windows edition from Home to Pro and now Windows is deactivated.**\
- **I changed my Windows edition from Home to Pro and now Windows is deactivated.**
Run HWID activation to activate Pro. Each edition requires separate activation.
- **How to remove HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation?**\
[HWID](hwid.html#How_to_remove_HWID), [Ohook](ohook.html#How_to_remove_Ohook), [KMS38](kms38.html#How_to_remove_KMS38), [Online KMS](online_kms.html#How_to_remove_Online_KMS)
- **How to remove HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation?**
[HWID](, [Ohook](, [KMS38](, [Online KMS](
- **Is MAS safe? How can I know if there is any malware?**\
MAS is fully [open-source](index.html#MAS_Latest_Release). You can open the batch files with Notepad and verify it. It has many users/stars on GitHub. You can even perform the activation manually, check the Docs section for instructions.
- **Can I link my Microsoft account safely with MAS activation methods?**\
- **Can I link my Microsoft account safely with MAS activation methods?**
- **Can I update Windows/Office after activation?**\
- **Can I update Windows/Office after activation?**
- **I'm in Russia and Office is not downloading.**\
Check this [guide](bypass-russian-geoblock.html).
- **I'm in Russia and Office is not downloading.**
Check this [guide](
- **Can I activate Office 365?**\
- **Can I activate Office 365?**
Yes, use the Ohook activation option. However, you can't get server-side O365-specific features such as 1TB storage in OneDrive, though almost all other features and 5GB storage in a free OneDrive account would work fine.
- **Why Office is showing the "Update License" button in the file menu?\
**It is appearing even for customers who have a genuine subscription license and there is nothing to worry about. More [info](
- **Why Office is showing the "Update License" button in the file menu?**
It is appearing even for customers who have a genuine subscription license and there is nothing to worry about. More [info](
- **Can I get the Copilot feature in Office with MAS activation?\
**No. [Copilot]( is an additional plan that can be added to existing subscriptions of Microsoft 365.
- **Can I get the Copilot feature in Office with MAS activation?**
No. [Copilot]( is an additional plan that can be added to existing subscriptions of Microsoft 365.
- **Can I get Python in Excel with MAS activation?**\
- **Can I get Python in Excel with MAS activation?**
[Python in Excel]( is currently in the preview and it's a server-side feature. To get this feature, you need to switch the office update channel to the [Insider build]( and then you will be able to get a few tries to test it if you don't have a Microsoft 365 subscription, meaning to get full access, you need a subscription license and it won't work with MAS activation.
- **I'm getting an 'Office is not genuine' banner.**\
- **I'm getting an 'Office is not genuine' banner.**
Run Ohook activation from the latest MAS version.
- **Can I delete the MAS folder after activation?**\
- **Can I delete the MAS folder after activation?**
- **How is MAS able to activate?**\
- **How is MAS able to activate?**
Read activation details in the Docs section.
- **Does MAS work for Windows 7/8.1?**\
- **Does MAS work for Windows 7/8.1?**
The online KMS option works for Windows 7 Pro & Enterprise (Not Ultimate). All Windows 8/8.1 editions are supported by the Online KMS option.
- **Where can I donate?**\
MAS project doesn't accept donations and it's free.\
- **Where can I donate?**
MAS project doesn't accept donations and it's free.
It's because it's a community project and involves many contributors, splitting donations is not practical, and also because profiting from piracy is not good.
If you have any other questions, feel free to connect with us [here](contactus.html).
If you have any other questions, feel free to connect with us [here](
@ -1,52 +1,48 @@
pagetitle: Genuine Installation Media
## Genuine Installation Media
# Download Windows / Office
All download links lead to genuine files only.
| **Windows** | |
### Windows
| | |
| Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 (Official Links) ❤️ | [MSDL]( - [Microsoft]( |
| Windows 11 | [Link](windows_11_links.html) |
| Windows 10 | [Link](windows_10_links.html) |
| Windows 10 Enterprise **LTSC** | [Link](windows_ltsc_links.html) |
| Windows ARM64 | [Link](windows_arm_links.html) |
| Windows 8.1 | [Link](windows_8.1_links.html) |
| Windows 7 | [Link](windows_7_links.html) |
| Windows Vista | [Link](windows_vista_links.html) |
| Windows XP | [Link](windows_xp_links.html) |
| Windows Server | [Link](windows_server_links.html) |
| Windows 11 | [Link]( |
| Windows 10 | [Link]( |
| Windows 10 Enterprise **LTSC** | [Link]( |
| Windows ARM64 | [Link]( |
| Windows 8.1 | [Link]( |
| Windows 7 | [Link]( |
| Windows Vista | [Link]( |
| Windows XP | [Link]( |
| Windows Server | [Link]( |
| Windows Insider | [10/11]( - [Server]( |
| **Office** | |
### Office
| | |
| Office C2R Installers (Retail) ❤️ | [Link]( (Easy to install) |
| Office C2R Custom Install (Retail / VL) | [Link]( (More steps, allows customization) |
| Office MSI VL (Old versions) | [Link](office_msi_links.html) |
| Office For **Mac** | [Link](office_for_mac.html) |
| **Misc** | |
| Encarta | [Link](misc_products.html) |
| Office MSI VL (Old versions) | [Link]( |
| Office For **Mac** | [Link]( |
You can contact us [here]( if you need any other Windows / Office files.
You can contact us [here]( if you need any other Windows / Office files.
## Verify Authenticity Of Files
- We can use the [file hashing method]( to verify if a file is genuine or not, but we must first know the actual checksum of the file.
- Microsoft publishes a checksum list for [Windows 11]( consumer edition. The checksum list for other products is not public and is available to paid subscribers of [MVS](
- There are many places where we can find the checksums for Microsoft files and compare them with our files using tools like [7-Zip]( (After installing 7-Zip, right-click on the ISO file and go to 7-Zip \> CRC SHA). Below is a list of sites containing checksums.
1. [files.rg-adguard]( (most complete collection)
2. [MVS dump](
3. [genuine-iso-verifier](
4. [msdn.rg-adguard](
5. [sha1.rg-adguard](
- There are many places where we can find the checksums for Microsoft files and compare them with our files using tools like [7-Zip]( (After installing 7-Zip, right-click on the ISO file and go to 7-Zip > CRC SHA). Below is a list of sites containing checksums.
- [files.rg-adguard]( (most complete collection)
- [MVS dump](
- [genuine-iso-verifier](
- [msdn.rg-adguard](
- [sha1.rg-adguard](
## Need help?
- Check [here](contactus.html).
- Check [here](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Guides
If you are facing any error, the script should tell you which guide you need to follow. If you are unsure, we suggest getting help from [here]( instead of blindly following the guides.
- [Office License Is Not Genuine](
- [Bypass Russian Geoblock](
- [Fix WPA Registry](
- [Licensing Servers Issue](
- [Issues Due To Gaming Spoofers](
- [Change Edition Issues](
- [In-place Repair Upgrade](
@ -1,37 +1,18 @@
pagetitle: HWID Activation
# HWID Activation
## Overview
- How to use it? Please find the instructions [here](index.html#Download__How_to_use_it).
- How to use it? Please find the instructions [here](
- This activation method supports Windows 10/11 only.
- This activation method does not store or modify any files in your system.
- This activation method gives you permanent Windows activation for your system hardware.
- All activations can be linked to a Microsoft account without any issues.
- Once the system is activated, this activation cannot be removed because the license is stored in the Microsoft servers and not in the user's system. MS checks the hardware ID (HWID) and if a license is found in their database, the system will automatically activate. This is how official digital license works.
- Any significant changes to the hardware (such as a motherboard) may deactivate the system. It is possible to reactivate a system that was deactivated because of significant hardware changes, IF your activation, was linked to an online Microsoft account.
- For activation to succeed, internet connectivity must be enabled. If you are trying to activate without these conditions being met, then the system will auto-activate later when the conditions are met.
- The following is required for Windows to reactivate itself after Windows reinstall:
- The internet is required. (Only at the time of activation)
- The system will auto-activate only if Retail (Consumer) media was used for installing Windows.
- The system will NOT auto-activate if VL (Business) media was used for the installation. In this case, the user will have to insert the generic Retail/OEM key corresponding to the Windows edition currently running to activate if the user doesn't want to use the script again. (Those keys can be found below on this page)
@ -43,21 +24,14 @@ pagetitle: HWID Activation
#### HWID 1 (Now defunct) (Summer of 2018 - Sep 26 2023)
- In the official upgrade process from Windows 7 to Windows 10, if your copy of Windows 7 was activated, Microsoft provided a digital license for Windows 10 without any cost.
- In the background, the upgrade process runs a file named gatherosstate.exe (available in Windows 10/11 ISO) and it checks the license of the current Windows installation. If it detected that it is activated, it generates a valid GenuineTicket.xml **ticket** which is sent to Microsoft and in return, MS authorizes a license.
- So, if we can convince the gatherosstate.exe file that the conditions are met for ticket generation by fooling it, it will generate a valid ticket, which can be used to get the valid digital license.
- How to convince gatherosstate.exe that Windows is activated?\
There are two methods for it.\
**1-** Place a [custom slc.dll]( file beside gatherosstate.exe:\
gatherosstate.exe uses the system's `C:\Windows\System32\slc.dll` file to gather the system's info. If we place a custom slc.dll file beside gatherosstate.exe, it can send rubbish data to it, then it will simply accept it and generate a valid ticket.\
- How to convince gatherosstate.exe that Windows is activated?
There are two methods for it.
**1-** Place a [custom slc.dll]( file beside gatherosstate.exe:
gatherosstate.exe uses the system's `C:\Windows\System32\slc.dll` file to gather the system's info. If we place a custom slc.dll file beside gatherosstate.exe, it can send rubbish data to it, then it will simply accept it and generate a valid ticket.
**2-** [Modify]( the gatherosstate.exe file directly so that it doesn't check the system's activation status at all and create a valid ticket.
- You can find the workings of this old method here: [MAS-Legacy-Methods](
- Microsoft [made]( server-side changes to their licensing servers to block the free upgrade, and with that server-side change, this method stopped working. To be clear, only new activation requests coming from new hardware were blocked, already established digital licenses with this method are fine.
#### HWID 2 (Currently working) (03 Oct 2023 - Current)
@ -76,46 +50,42 @@ Now a question, can Microsoft block the new requests or revoke already establish
| Windows 10/11 | Generic Retail/OEM/MAK Key |
| Education | `YNMGQ-8RYV3-4PGQ3-C8XTP-7CFBY` |
| Education N | `84NGF-MHBT6-FXBX8-QWJK7-DRR8H` |
| Enterprise | `XGVPP-NMH47-7TTHJ-W3FW7-8HV2C` |
| Enterprise N | `3V6Q6-NQXCX-V8YXR-9QCYV-QPFCT` |
| Enterprise LTSB 2015 | `FWN7H-PF93Q-4GGP8-M8RF3-MDWWW` |
| Enterprise LTSB 2016 | `NK96Y-D9CD8-W44CQ-R8YTK-DYJWX` |
| Enterprise LTSC 2019 | `43TBQ-NH92J-XKTM7-KT3KK-P39PB` |
| Enterprise N LTSB 2015 | `NTX6B-BRYC2-K6786-F6MVQ-M7V2X` |
| Enterprise N LTSB 2016 | `2DBW3-N2PJG-MVHW3-G7TDK-9HKR4` |
| Home | `YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7` |
| Home N | `4CPRK-NM3K3-X6XXQ-RXX86-WXCHW` |
| Home China | `N2434-X9D7W-8PF6X-8DV9T-8TYMD` |
| Home Single Language | `BT79Q-G7N6G-PGBYW-4YWX6-6F4BT` |
| IoT Enterprise | `XQQYW-NFFMW-XJPBH-K8732-CKFFD` |
| IoT Enterprise Subscription | `P8Q7T-WNK7X-PMFXY-VXHBG-RRK69` |
| IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 | `QPM6N-7J2WJ-P88HH-P3YRH-YY74H` |
| IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 | `CGK42-GYN6Y-VD22B-BX98W-J8JXD` |
| IoT Enterprise LTSC Subscription 2024 | `N979K-XWD77-YW3GB-HBGH6-D32MH` |
| Pro | `VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T` |
| Pro N | `2B87N-8KFHP-DKV6R-Y2C8J-PKCKT` |
| Pro Education | `8PTT6-RNW4C-6V7J2-C2D3X-MHBPB` |
| Pro Education N | `GJTYN-HDMQY-FRR76-HVGC7-QPF8P` |
| Pro for Workstations | `DXG7C-N36C4-C4HTG-X4T3X-2YV77` |
| Pro N for Workstations | `WYPNQ-8C467-V2W6J-TX4WX-WT2RQ` |
| S | `V3WVW-N2PV2-CGWC3-34QGF-VMJ2C` |
| S N | `NH9J3-68WK7-6FB93-4K3DF-DJ4F6` |
| SE | `KY7PN-VR6RX-83W6Y-6DDYQ-T6R4W` |
| Team | `XKCNC-J26Q9-KFHD2-FKTHY-KD72Y` |
| Education | YNMGQ-8RYV3-4PGQ3-C8XTP-7CFBY |
| Education N | 84NGF-MHBT6-FXBX8-QWJK7-DRR8H |
| Enterprise | XGVPP-NMH47-7TTHJ-W3FW7-8HV2C |
| Enterprise N | 3V6Q6-NQXCX-V8YXR-9QCYV-QPFCT |
| Enterprise LTSB 2015 | FWN7H-PF93Q-4GGP8-M8RF3-MDWWW |
| Enterprise LTSB 2016 | NK96Y-D9CD8-W44CQ-R8YTK-DYJWX |
| Enterprise LTSC 2019 | 43TBQ-NH92J-XKTM7-KT3KK-P39PB |
| Enterprise N LTSB 2015 | NTX6B-BRYC2-K6786-F6MVQ-M7V2X |
| Enterprise N LTSB 2016 | 2DBW3-N2PJG-MVHW3-G7TDK-9HKR4 |
| Home | YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7 |
| Home N | 4CPRK-NM3K3-X6XXQ-RXX86-WXCHW |
| Home China | N2434-X9D7W-8PF6X-8DV9T-8TYMD |
| Home Single Language | BT79Q-G7N6G-PGBYW-4YWX6-6F4BT |
| IoT Enterprise | XQQYW-NFFMW-XJPBH-K8732-CKFFD |
| IoT Enterprise Subscription | P8Q7T-WNK7X-PMFXY-VXHBG-RRK69 |
| IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 | QPM6N-7J2WJ-P88HH-P3YRH-YY74H |
| IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 | CGK42-GYN6Y-VD22B-BX98W-J8JXD |
| IoT Enterprise LTSC Subscription 2024 | N979K-XWD77-YW3GB-HBGH6-D32MH |
| Pro | VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T |
| Pro N | 2B87N-8KFHP-DKV6R-Y2C8J-PKCKT |
| Pro Education | 8PTT6-RNW4C-6V7J2-C2D3X-MHBPB |
| Pro Education N | GJTYN-HDMQY-FRR76-HVGC7-QPF8P |
| Pro for Workstations | DXG7C-N36C4-C4HTG-X4T3X-2YV77 |
| Pro N for Workstations | WYPNQ-8C467-V2W6J-TX4WX-WT2RQ |
| S N | NH9J3-68WK7-6FB93-4K3DF-DJ4F6 |
| SE | KY7PN-VR6RX-83W6Y-6DDYQ-T6R4W |
| Team | XKCNC-J26Q9-KFHD2-FKTHY-KD72Y |
- X86-X64 and ARM64 architecture systems are supported.
- Any Evaluation version of Windows (i.e. 'EVAL' LTSB/C) cannot be activated.
- IoTEnterpriseS (LTSC) 2021 key will be used to activate the unsupported EnterpriseS (LTSC) 2021 edition.
- Windows Server does not support HWID activation.
- ServerRdsh edition does not [officially]( support activation on non-azure systems.
@ -123,58 +93,40 @@ Now a question, can Microsoft block the new requests or revoke already establish
## How to remove HWID?
- You cannot remove it, just like you cannot remove an official Windows digital license. Once a system is activated, this activation cannot be removed because the license is stored in the Microsoft servers and not in the user's system. MS checks the hardware ID (HWID) and if a license is found in their database, the system will automatically activate.
- If you still want to remove the activation for any XYZ reason, you can either use the change edition option in the extras section in MAS **or** get the KMS key from [here](kms38.html#Supported_Products) and enter this in the Windows settings activation page.
- If you still want to remove the activation for any XYZ reason, you can either use the change edition option in the extras section in MAS **or** get the KMS key from [here]( and enter this in the Windows settings activation page.
## Command line Switches
- Check [here](command_line_switches.html).
- Check [here](
## Manual Activation
This is for those who wants to perform manual activation. If you want a tool to do this for you, then check [here](index.html).
This is for those who wants to perform manual activation. If you want a tool to do this for you, then check [here](
We can perform the manual activation process in 2 ways.
### 1- From Ready-Made Ticket
- Make sure the internet is enabled.
- Open Windows PowerShell as administrator, and enter the following commands in the sequence in which they are given.
- Enter the Key (Replace `<key>` with the key from the above list) with the following command:
`slmgr /ipk <key>`
- Download Universal tickets from [here](files\ and extract the downloaded file.
- Now enter below code in PowerShell:
`(Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions).OSProductPfn`
- Enter the Key (Replace `<key>` with the key from the above list) with the following command:
`slmgr /ipk <key>`
- Download Universal tickets from [here](/files/ and extract the downloaded file.
- Now enter below code in PowerShell:
`(Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions).OSProductPfn`
- This command will you show you some text like `Microsoft.Windows.48.X19-98841_8wekyb3d8bbwe`
- You need to find the exact same name ticket file in the folder which you have extracted earlier.
- Copy that ticket file and paste it in the following folder:
- Copy that ticket file and paste it in the following folder:
- Now run below command in PowerShell to apply the ticket:
- Now run below command in PowerShell to apply the ticket:
`clipup -v -o`
- Activate Windows with the following command:
- Activate Windows with the following command:
`slmgr /ato`
- Check Activation Status with the following command:
- Check Activation Status with the following command:
`slmgr /xpr`
- Done.
@ -183,26 +135,16 @@ We can perform the manual activation process in 2 ways.
In this process, we will perform activation from scratch. This is based on the Universal ticket method. Here, we will create identical tickets that are used in the MAS HWID script and activate the system with them.
- Download the file from the official MS link and extract the .cab file.\
- Download the file from the official MS link and extract the .cab file.
- Find the file named `filf8377e82b29deadca67bc4858ed3fba9` (Size: 330 KB) and rename it to `gatherosstate.exe`
- Make a folder named `Files` in the C drive, `C:\Files` and copy the `gatherosstate.exe` file into that folder.
- Make sure that the internet is enabled.
- Open Windows PowerShell as administrator and enter the following commands in the sequence in which they are given.
- Enter the key (Replace `<key>` with the key from the above list) with the following command:
- Enter the key (Replace `<key>` with the key from the above list) with the following command:
`slmgr /ipk <key>`
- Copy the below code all at once and enter it in PowerShell to modify the `gatherosstate.exe` file. This code to modify the file is based on [GamersOsState](
<!-- -->
- Copy the below code all at once and enter it in PowerShell to modify the `gatherosstate.exe` file. This code to modify the file is based on [GamersOsState](
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\Files\gatherosstate.exe")
$bytes[320] = 0xf8
$bytes[321] = 0xfb
@ -272,36 +214,24 @@ $bytes[34376] = 0xeb
$bytes[34377] = 0x63
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("C:\Files\gatherosstatemodified.exe", $bytes)
- Now right click on the file `gatherosstatemodified.exe`, go to properties and set the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3.\
- Now we need to generate the ticket, to do that, enter the below command:
<!-- -->
- Now right click on the file `gatherosstatemodified.exe`, go to properties and set the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3.
- Now we need to generate the ticket, to do that, enter the below command:
$value = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions).OSProductPfn
C:\Files\gatherosstatemodified.exe /c Pfn=$value`;PKeyIID=465145217131314304264339481117862266242033457260311819664735280
- A GenuineTicket.xml file should be created in the folder `C:\Files\`. Now, let's apply it.
- A GenuineTicket.xml file should be created in the folder `C:\Files\`. Now, let's apply it.
`clipup -v -o -altto C:\Files\`
- Activate Windows with the following command:
- Activate Windows with the following command:
`slmgr /ato`
- Check Activation Status with the following command:
- Check Activation Status with the following command:
`slmgr /xpr`
- Done.
- If the system is already activated then, then the created ticket will be a Lockbox ticket. If not, it will be a Downlevel ticket.
- To make the exact ticket used in MAS HWID script, make sure system is already activated and fix the time with the below PowerShell command and then initiate the ticket generation process as per the steps mentioned above.\
`Set-TimeZone -Id "UTC"; $date=[datetime]"2022/10/11 12:00";while($true){set-date $date; start-sleep -milliseconds 10}`
@ -310,11 +240,10 @@ C:\Files\gatherosstatemodified.exe /c Pfn=$value`;PKeyIID=4651452171313143042643
## Setup Preactivate
- Check the Extract OEM option in the MAS `Extras` section if you want pre-activated Windows installation.
- Further, read [here](oem-folder.html).
- Further, read [here](
## Troubleshooting
- Check [here](troubleshoot.html).
- Check [here](
@ -1,92 +1,89 @@
pagetitle: Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS)
## Intro
**Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS)**
A Windows and Office activator using HWID / Ohook / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods, with a focus on open-source code and fewer antivirus detections.
## Features
- **HWID (Digital License)** Method to Permanently Activate Windows
- **Ohook** Method to Permanently Activate Office
- **KMS38** Method to Activate Windows/Server Till the Year 2038
- **Online KMS** Method to Activate Windows/Server/Office For 180 Days (Lifetime With Renewal Task)
- Advanced Activation Troubleshooting
- \$OEM\$ Folders For Preactivation
- Change Windows Edition
- Check Windows/Office Activation Status
- Available in All In One and Separate Files Versions
- Fully Open Source and Based on Batch Scripts
- Fewer Antivirus Detections
## MAS Latest Release
Last Release - v2.5 (16-Nov-2023)\
[GitHub]( / [Bitbucket](
## Download / How to use it?
### Method 1 - PowerShell
- Right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal (Not CMD).
- Copy and paste the code below and press enter
irm | iex
- You will see the activation options. Follow the on-screen instructions.
- That's all.
### Method 2 - Traditional
- Download the file from [GitHub]( or [Bitbucket](
- Right-click on the downloaded zip file and extract
- In the extracted folder, find the folder named `All-In-One-Version`
- Run the file named `MAS_AIO.cmd`
- You will see the activation options, follow the on-screen instructions.
- That's all.
To run the scripts in unattended mode, check [here](command_line_switches.html)
## Activations Summary
| Activation Type | Supported Product | Activation Period |
| HWID | Windows 10-11 | Permanent |
| Ohook | Office | Permanent |
| KMS38 | Windows 10-11-Server | Till the Year 2038 |
| Online KMS | Windows / Office | 180 Days. Lifetime With Renewal Task |
For more details, use the respective activation details in Doc.
To activate unsupported products such as **Office on Mac**, check [here](unsupported_products_activation.html).
## Screenshots

