Last updated - 08-Mar-2022

   MAS Issues List:
 - Cosmetic error: Showing product name Windows 10 in Windows 11 system in HWID/KMS38 scripts.
                   Reason: Product name registry is not updated in windows 11, didn't use WMI method because changes reflects in late when edition is changed
                   Solution: Need to use winbrand.dll to get product name (to be updated in MAS v1.6)

 - HWID script crashes when it tries to proceed activation for unsupported edition if Retail/OEM/MAK key is installed.
   Solution: In `HWID_Activation.cmd` line number 435, change to,
   if /i "%key%"=="KCNVH-YKWX8-GJJB9-H9FDT-6F7W2" (

 - In some cases, KMS script is unable to convert project/visio office apps to VL if O365 subscription is found & unable to convert to VL from C2R retail

 - Script are not opening if special characters are found in script path,
   Below line,
   set "_PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args%"
   Needs to be changed to,
   set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args%

 - Compressed2txt extraction is not working if admin user account name have special characters as "Hiền"
   Solution: For now, use separate files version if it happens to you.
 - Unable to clear ZoneIdentifier from files if file path have special characters

 - In some rare cases, scripts are looping in reopen when trying to launch script from main arch process (cause: messed up systems.)

 - Registry ownership snippet is not working if path have special characters (used in HWID lockbox method and in KMS38 protection)
   MAS Todo List:
 - Update read me's with better format and content
 - Simplify removal of Zone.Identifier in script "Verify_Files-Clear_Zone.Identifier-68.cmd"
 - Updated slc.dll for lockbox method, so that separate slc.dll is not required for ARM64
 - Test the scripts with various av's and find which commands or series of commands av's are complaining about and find alternatives
 - Show warning to clean subscription license in KMS script when expired Office subscription license is detected. It prevents volume license to take effect in activation
 - Show warning before converting to Windows SE in change edition script
 - Make HWID/KMS38 & Windows section in KMS & change edition and key insert scripts futureproof for new Windows editions by getting required key from system itself
 - Do more testing and find bugs
 - Keep the folder/files names same in future versions. I.e. MAS_1.5_AIO_CRC32_21D20776.cmd should remain MAS_AIO.cmd
 - Show the error about WMI and SPP separately