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<div id="in-place-repair-upgrade" class="section level1">
<h1>In-place Repair Upgrade</h1>
<p>(Keeping files and apps)</p>
<hr />
<p>In-place repair upgrade using Windows ISO file is a good way to fix
system errors. Here’s how you can perform it.</p>
<div id="steps" class="section level2">
<li>Download the Windows ISO, preferably from <a href="/msdl/">MSDL</a>
in the same Windows language, and architecture.
<li><p>To check the installed Windows architecture, open Powershell as
admin and enter,<br />
<code>Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Format-List OSArchitecture</code></p>
<p>x64 means 64 Bit, x86 means 32 Bit</p></li>
<li><p>To check the installed Windows Language, open Powershell as admin
and enter,<br />
<code>dism /english /online /get-intl | find /i "Default system UI language"</code></p></li>
<li><p>Note: If you are running the Enterprise LTSC edition, you will
need to download that edition’s ISO file from <a
<li>Double-click on the ISO file once it is downloaded.</li>
<li>If it opens in another program like 7-Zip, close it, right-click on
the ISO, Open With &gt; Windows Explorer</li>
<li>A new DVD drive will appear in Windows Explorer, which means the
installation image has been mounted successfully.</li>
<li>Go into that DVD drive and run setup.exe, just continue until you
reach the final confirmation screen.</li>
<li>Make sure it says “<strong>Keep all files and apps</strong>” on the
final screen. Then you can continue the process and wait until it is
<hr />
<div id="troubleshoot" class="section level2">
<li>If you are not getting the option to keep files and apps, or the
setup is showing any error, you can <a href="troubleshoot.html">connect
with us</a> for help.</li>

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