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<title>Readme - $OEM$ Folders</title>
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   $OEM$ Folders [Windows Pre-Activation]:

 - To create a preactivated Windows installation .iso, do the following things:
   - Extract $OEM$ folder to desktop using the script.
   - Copy the "$OEM$" folder to the "sources" folder in the Windows installation media (.iso or USB).
   - The directory will appear like this: \sources\$OEM$ in your altered .iso or on your bootable 
     USB drive.

   Now use this .iso or bootable USB drive to install Windows and it will either already be activated 
   (KMS38) as soon as it boots, or will self-activate at first internet contact.

   Activation Type     Supported Product         Activation Period

   HWID             -  Windows 10-11          -  Permanent
   KMS38            -  Windows 10-11-Server   -  Until the year 2038
   Online KMS       -  Windows / Office       -  For 180 Days, renewal task needs to be 
                                                 created for lifetime auto-activation.

   * For more details, use the respective activations read me.


   HWID Pre-Activation:

 - When using Digital License (HWID), no files are stored on the system, and when connected to the 
   internet for the first time, the system will self-activate at that time.
   KMS38 Pre-Activation:

 - When using KMS38, no files are stored on the system, and Windows becomes activated immediately 
   without further actions or connectivity of any kind being required.

   HWID (Fallback to KMS38) Pre-Activation:
 - In this method, KMS38 will be used for the activation in case the Windows version is not 
   supported by HWID. For example, Windows 10 LTSC N 2019 / 2021 and Windows server.

   Online KMS (separately, or in combination with HWID and/or KMS38):

 - In this method, a script will run on system login if connected to Internet, which will 
   activate Windows / Office.

   By default online KMS applies the following two methods. 
   You can turn off any of them in setupcomplete.cmd file

   1- Automatic Renewal via Task Scheduler---

   It creates following files and tasks,

   - Scheduled tasks
     \Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal   (Renewal Task / Weekly)
     \Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once  (Activation Task / runs on system login and deletes itself once activated)
     The scheduled tasks runs only if the system is connected to the Internet.

   - Files
   2- Manual Renewal via Desktop Context Menu---

   It creates Desktop context Menu for manual activation and renewal.
   It creates the following files and registry entries.

   - Registry
     HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office

   - Files

   It creates an easy to reach the Desktop context menu for the manual activation renewal.

   Further read: https://massgrave.dev/readme-programdata-online-kms-files.html
 - When using Online KMS plus HWID Digital License, Online KMS script will be set to only activate
   Office if the HWID activation is supported for Windows.

 - When using Online KMS plus KMS38, Online KMS will not skip Windows activation but skip KMS38 
   activation and will register the KMS for other products.

